Book of Lost Lore

Clint Bellanger

The chapel is quiet compared to the Market Square. An old farmer rests on a wood bench and whispers a harvest prayer in the old tongue. A young acolyte lights candles in the alcoves.

In the back corner of the chapel is a bookshelf of religious works. You scan wistfully for a Book of Lost Lore but there isn't one. Another title looks familiar: Bestiary of Unnatural Evils, a seminal work of dungeon explorers.

You pick up the tome. By examining the spine you can tell which parts of the book are well-read. You open to a nearly-loose page of chapter VI, Classifications.

Undead describe the animated unliving, whether by necromancy or by some great curse. Many undead can be identified as living corpses -- missing flesh and exposed bone, pallor skin and rotting stench. Some undead have no physical form, instead haunting our world as roaming spirits. Such creatures manifest in subtle ways -- a feeling of dread, a too-cold room, or a sudden sadness.